THINGS TO COME: You should be F#@$*NG EXCITED.

Waddup world! If you're reading this, you have flipped the blogrock and found yourself a digital gem. My people know me as Rocky and THIS is F.A.M.B. NATION!!! A friend of mine dared me, more or less, to start a blog, so here i go. I'm not the greateeeest writer, but I am told I have my momments. (Man if I could get a dollar for everytime I've done something out of dares...I'd have my damn parking and speeding tickets paid off by now). [FACTOID] Untill proven otherwise, ANY police officer -to me- is no more than a stanger with a gun; Arrogant and ill-mannered pompous bastards who walk about with a false sense of entitlement. F*#%@ MOCO POLICE!!!!

...Anywho. So here's the deal: This is not going to be one of those blogs filled with self-centered rants, telling you about every single little detail of my life. There is plenty to tell on that subject but this site is NOT about ME. I will not be telling you what i had for dinner. Unless it cures cancer. Just like you, i have an inner monologue, and it will stay there for the most part.


F.A.M.B. NATION will be random mentally delicious spurts of anything interesting in the world. Things fahion related, music related, art related, and world news related that's worthy of note will be SMACKFACED in random spurts throughout the site. Lester the magic skull, as well the banners located at the far bottom of this site will have fluctuating links throughout the year. [FACTOID] Lester, by the way, is rumored to soon have a stay tuned.

I have invited a few people i know to, from time to time, add their own flavor to this site. These people are all people of the socially expert; they know something you should. Except for maybe Mr Cade. That guys is just plain weiiird. Even Lester doesn't likes him. That's when you know you're wrong.


From Darfur to Calfornia, then back to Somalia. From Lupe to Psapp. From the ghetto to Alaska. From the O.Gs to the hippsters. From Obama to your local Soapboxer: The random have no spectrum, and that is why i LOVE-IT.


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