[KIXX] GRAMS By Alexis Holm & Anna Stenvi

GRAMs Baby!!!! Can you say detailed simplicity? cmon, say it!
Founded in Stockholm, each and every one of these shoes are named after how much they weigh (Metric system Fool!). That alone stroked my foot fetish when I first heard about these awesomely weird Swedish shoes.

Why you should care?: Supplying the feet of the "relaxed" shoe market, GRAM applies vintage shapes with contempotary rivets and patent touches. Gotta love it when the old meets the new. And not too expensive either (That's a big plus for Cheapasoids like me):

420g Black Leather

345g Blue Suede

383g Softshell


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Unknown said...

i love cheetos

Sanyu Estelle Nagenda said...

Well, well. I do like the 420g, no pun intended. ;o)