I told myself that I wouldn't post anything negative today, but this really broke my heart. Then it really angered me. Tragedy is tragedy, and i know this woman is not like this because she's black, but the fact that she is black hurt even more. It's easy for us to dissasociate ourselves from tragedies when it's happening abroad or simply outside of our own "community," but it hits home that much quicker when the parties involved reflect things considered as identifiers within our culture.

Just listen to what the aunt had to say when asked if she regrets leaving these two kids in the house by themselves. smh.

Marilyn Wilson, you are a SMACKFACE, and your actual face should be smacked.

P.S. Your teeth are superr GUAC.

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paigedearing said...

It make me sick that the aunt is more worried about the safety of her purse and food stamps that were in the house than the two boys who are in critical condition!!


Any word on their condition?

Rocky said...

Last i heard, one died. The other is in critical condition. My thoughts goes out.