[TRUTH] Soaring

It was a perfect moment in time
You and I, the way we unite.
We took off on a journey,
We wanted to fly.
And we did, we soared up so high,
Out of the reach of destroyers
But your wings got tired
And you hit the ground,
Smack on your face,
You lifted yourself up
And she shook you out of your daze.
The distant between us, in all the haze
You forgot about me
Still flying high above you.
They convinced you down there
That you could equal the satisfaction
With your two feet planted on the ground
And you chose to settle
Leaving me no option but to soar without you
Hoping your wings would begin to miss
Cutting through cool air
And sun rays shining upon them.
But I won't fall from glory with you
Just pray we fly together again.

Ajolique Jude ©

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Aisha Lul said...

snap snap that was deep sister.. almost had *tears* Mashallah your talent doesn't amaze me!

Ajolie said...

thanks hun

paigedearing said...

beautiful. i love the message.

Rocky said...

wow miss jude. i like. i like. impressive.

Ajolie said...

thank you kindly