her morning elegance

On a remarkably gloomy day as such, I find myself cozied up in a nap blanket listening to soothing-ish tunes. With the iPod on shuffle and myself in fetal position curled up with a book I guess my mind just wandered. I think I may have A.D.D. but that's besides the point. This song came on and I couldn't help but play the music video in my head over and over again. Not just because this song is an awesome bedtime sleepy song, but because it's just so coooool. :) [For lack of a better word.]

Can you imagine the patience necessary to create this? Lookie lookie below. I'm officially youtubing stop motion for the rest of this drab evening. There's a ton of artists out there who do this stuff. MmmMmm.

One more. I promise. Last one. I keep finding these and I'm quite giddy now :)

(because I absolutely love post it notes)

I shall ramble like a blithering idiot again for you later.

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Rocky said...

Amazing!!! Great post! I found a new love i can add to my list of many. And by the way, you ramble beautifully -KEEP IT UP!!!