"People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish. But that's only if it's done right," boasts the most famous, or should i say most infamous, street artist of today: Bristol born (supposedly: no one really knows), Banksy. Though well known for his anti-capitlalist and anti-royalist street art, Banksy's canvas doesn't end with public spaces, trains, and steam rollers (you read right); He often, in disguise, walks into art exhibits and superglues his work onto the walls himself.

The Louvre, Tate Modem, New York's Museum of Modern Art, and the American Museum of Natural History are among of the places blessed by Banksy's voluntary additions. When asked what prompted him to do this he simply answered: "My sister inspired me to do it. She was throwing away loads of my pictures one day and I asked her why. She said 'It's not like they're going to be hanging in the Louvre. I thought why wait until I'm dead."

That's pretty damn gangster if you ask me.

[FACTOID] He once inscribed "I want out. This place is too cold. Keeper smells. Boring, boring, boring" on the wall of the elephant enclosure in a London zoo.

Christmas spirit...?

This provoked thoughts. Muslim women suffrage vs oversexualized..world?!! or just another play on irony?...both?

Nike! Walmart! Or just fat ass tourists?

There's a mortality message in this somewhere. This made me think of my own self being old..brrrrrrr..scary thought. I would be a sexy old man though. "How you doinnn???"

Hahah!! 'nuff said.

Enlightening with heavy doses of irony, Banksy will at least humour you if not provoke thoughts. Keep an eye out. He might hit your town next. Maybe.

For even more Banksy click here.
For other artist like him, click here (listed on the right hand side).

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gnet said...

oh rocky!! banksy?! i'm officially in love with you :) graffiti is the most honest expression of free art. loves it.

along with my love for banksy, i'm a sucker for fafi with her explosive colors and collaborations with other graffiti artists. i'm a colorful gal, what can i say. i heart it all.