Before I get into this post, let me first say that I just got my flu shot a couple of days ago. I payed 25 bucks at work to get it done because I don't have the necessary healthcare coverage. With that said, the lady who administered my vaccine warned me about side effects, which I of course sorely shrugged off as nothing to worry about it. Twenty four hours later, I have a fever and my right shoulder turns somewhat purple-ish. Hmmmm. pflfhsad;lfhsadlfhsdlh!!!...vaccine my ass. She tried to kill me.

THIS is how it think this whole fiasco started...the alternative is too sick to consider..(pause)..Damn you horny baby.

ONWARD!!! (click to enlarge -duhh!)

AMERICAN RETRO, by David, Laura, and Gregory Pariente, is a self-proclaimed Californinan bohemia meets french chique. If Parisian boho met contemporary American style -then had a baby- out came AMERICAN RETRO. The Parientes boasts five shops in several key spots in Paris, as well as 500 international salespoints. That's a beautiful take-over if you ask me..Now if only they made clothes for menn, that would be wonderfully siiickk!!!! [FACTOID] Rocky loves mixtures of things; I have to mix my cereals. I have to mix my clothing styles. I hate matching. AND I LOVE mixed women...hahah.


I claim the following set as adhering to the very much neglected K.I.S.S. approach: Keep it simple stupid!!! Sometimes keeping things not so "loud" augments your natural sexy. Lady gaga excepted.

If any of this imspires you, or you would simply like to see the rest of their winter collection, visit AMERICAN RETRO'S official site here. Hope you speakeh francais.

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