Rocky: I heard a song from these guys from some random Indie mixtape I downloaded (I know, I know, bad Rocky). Something about their music appeals to my inner white-boy..lol. Check it out. FILLIGAR's "The Observatory." Great music!

Onward to the Hip Hop realm. Black Milk has been around for a good minute, but haven't really reached the commercial success he seems to be half-foot-edly striving for. Why should you care? His delivery is pretty clean, he makes his own beats (Hip Hop, Funk, Soul, and Electronic blend: #&@%in' fantastic!!), and he's got Detroit heavy hitters like Royce backing him. BLACK MILK's "Overdose"...Beat is FIIIIREEE!!!!

Oldiiee!!! What can I even say about Jimi Hendrix? Nothing you haven't heard before. Here's "Crosstown Traffic". Somehow, I can see RJD2 remixing this.

What kind of African would I be if i didn't include reggae in this music blender's mix. It was either this or Sean Paul & Estelle's "Come Over". Mr Serani has an incredible voice and his music touches the soul. Don't believe me? Just keep your eyes on the ladies when this is played on the dancefloor. I really like this joint: "No games" by Serani.

AND SPEAKING OF MUSIC-BLENDING!!! U2 and Jay-z recently performed together in Berlin for what I guess is the "Sunday Bloody Sunday" remix. Mister "Z" emerges about 3 minutes in. Check it out:

Before I get too carried away, let's end this installment here. Peace and Love.

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Unknown said...

1) Black Milk's voice sounds like Eminem.

2) I hate slow reggae. Its good that you don't have any posted.