[HAAAAA] Weird, I know.

Hope everyone had a wonderfully delicious Thanksgiving and an injury free black friday shopping frenzy! Turkey leftovers for another week? I think so...

As I wandered into my cousin's room yesterday in search of cold meds, he chucked something at me (which I so gracefully missed). It rolled off my arm to the floor. Just some black plushie blob. As I pick it up, he tells me "You just got HIV." o_O So I looked up this nonsense.

Random but OH-SO-CUTE! GiantMicrobes

I know it's pretty useless to get stuffed animals and such now that we've all matured so wonderfully, but turns out if you buy HIVs or HCV they donate!!! Do it. Tis the season. Besides... they're damn cute.

I'm done being nonsensical. Here's some Hall & Oates to make you SMILE. Only since I fancied this movie so.. and the dance is just SO endearing :)

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