Dubbed the 'Robin Hood Banker', A 62-year-old German woman transfered more than 11 Million dollars from richer people's accounts to poor people's accounts. And get this, she kept not a dime for herself. She allowed overdrafts for those who wouldnt normally be allowed to have any, and then hid those overdrafts by transfering money from richer accounts whenever the bank's monthly audits came around. Gangster. Sadly she got caught and is now facing a 22-month suspended prison sentence. The court, however, went easy on her because she confessed immediatly upon investigation and didn't personally profit from the whole ordeal. Plus I mean c'mon..she's 62! I feel as though some things deserve leniency when you're old. She has been ordered to pay back a portion of the bank's loss though. There goes her retirement pention I guess. People, if you're going to steal, DON'T GET CAUGHT!!!

*Both the bank and the German woman have so far been unidentified.

[FACTOID] I will in the future super-glue those drug store thick ass senior citizen sunglasses unto the face of my daughter(s). Boyfriend shmoyfriend; You're ass is studying and turtle-necking it 'till marriage!!!

Full story here.

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