Jay-Z & Alicia Keys Performance @ Yankee Stadium

I was feeling this....great performance at the Yankee Stadium yesterday.....I was waiting for Lil Mama's forehead to pop up on stage

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My people, my people, my people

All I can do is shake my damn head........this is our future?? This is what happens when boys try to raise children....

Foul Mouth Little Black Girls

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A really cool music video someone sent me on my FB. Thought I'd share it with you guys. Here's the bio from the youtube account I embedded the video from (Give credit when credit is due!!: [Portablefilmfestival]

"This music video was shot for Sour's 'Hibi no Neiro' song from their 'Water Flavor EP'. The cast were selected from the Sour fan base and each person & scene was filmed purely via webcam."

Peace & Love.

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[ART] and a little bit of oldschool...

Ha. So we're all about the "hip" [though we can all see I'm hardly so seeing as how i really just said "hip"] stuff, eh? I promise you. This guy's an oldie, but goodie indeeeed.

Rummaging through my laptop after a a rather uneventful day at work I came across this:

By the genius known as Salvadore Dali. My personal favorite artist. [Mind you I use "favorite" loosely. I have a lot ;)]

I've had this in my computer for YEARS. In high school I hit a kitschy little thrift shop and purchased an extremely loved pair of knee high boots, doused them in primer goop, and painted the pair in patches of work by Dali. Probably the best piece of work I've ever done. Some artsy woman saw 'em and put them in a show and i was beaming. Of course they sent them back promptly after the art show was done. In a cardboard box. Poorly packaged. There were flakes of paint all over the place...None of which were still attached to my boots. Murderous intent? Yes.

Anyway. Back to the point. Dali. Great artist. He paints things that most minds couldn't conjure up in years. Google image away my friends :) I think I'm pulling out the sketchbooks tonight.

And for your ears (because music is inspiring) Here's a little bit of PASSION PIT.
[you like how I did that, don't you Rocky? There's a downright sexy track plus a little bit of stop motion to feed the fire]

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There is only ONE rapper that can make your favorite rapper cringe in shame! And he's WHITE. Oh sweet sweet irony, how sick the sound you play rhymes. Mr Mathers goes IN. Peep:

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I've been told the comment box doesn't work. I've checked it out, because I'm a vicious tech support like that, and it looks like it gives you an error message or something. If you just click it again, it should work. CLICK THAT BUTTON TWICE!!! Thank you beautiful people for your recent posts. Except for Mr. Warren. Rob, that was FAIL. lol

P.S. I'm a Belle Rebel fan. You should be too. You can taste more samples of her expressions here. Gracci bella!!!

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her morning elegance

On a remarkably gloomy day as such, I find myself cozied up in a nap blanket listening to soothing-ish tunes. With the iPod on shuffle and myself in fetal position curled up with a book I guess my mind just wandered. I think I may have A.D.D. but that's besides the point. This song came on and I couldn't help but play the music video in my head over and over again. Not just because this song is an awesome bedtime sleepy song, but because it's just so coooool. :) [For lack of a better word.]

Can you imagine the patience necessary to create this? Lookie lookie below. I'm officially youtubing stop motion for the rest of this drab evening. There's a ton of artists out there who do this stuff. MmmMmm.

One more. I promise. Last one. I keep finding these and I'm quite giddy now :)

(because I absolutely love post it notes)

I shall ramble like a blithering idiot again for you later.

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*sigh*...let me just say that I appreciate Mr. Warren for taking time out of his much busy New York schedule to tune in and contribute. I thank you homie. And I apologize for deleting your post. BUT there will be no promoting Chris Brown at F.A.M.B. nation. No promoting women beaters here...specially ones with super GUAC bowties. Yeah yeah yeah second chance shmecond chance. The guy hasn't done enough to repent in my opinion. I don't like to censor. Matter of fact, i hate to. But @#%$ Chris Brown. Somebody tell him my fists can transform him. Stupid song.

Peace and love.

This is for you Mr Warren:

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Before I get into this post, let me first say that I just got my flu shot a couple of days ago. I payed 25 bucks at work to get it done because I don't have the necessary healthcare coverage. With that said, the lady who administered my vaccine warned me about side effects, which I of course sorely shrugged off as nothing to worry about it. Twenty four hours later, I have a fever and my right shoulder turns somewhat purple-ish. Hmmmm. pflfhsad;lfhsadlfhsdlh!!!...vaccine my ass. She tried to kill me.

THIS is how it think this whole fiasco started...the alternative is too sick to consider..(pause)..Damn you horny baby.

ONWARD!!! (click to enlarge -duhh!)

AMERICAN RETRO, by David, Laura, and Gregory Pariente, is a self-proclaimed Californinan bohemia meets french chique. If Parisian boho met contemporary American style -then had a baby- out came AMERICAN RETRO. The Parientes boasts five shops in several key spots in Paris, as well as 500 international salespoints. That's a beautiful take-over if you ask me..Now if only they made clothes for menn, that would be wonderfully siiickk!!!! [FACTOID] Rocky loves mixtures of things; I have to mix my cereals. I have to mix my clothing styles. I hate matching. AND I LOVE mixed women...hahah.


I claim the following set as adhering to the very much neglected K.I.S.S. approach: Keep it simple stupid!!! Sometimes keeping things not so "loud" augments your natural sexy. Lady gaga excepted.

If any of this imspires you, or you would simply like to see the rest of their winter collection, visit AMERICAN RETRO'S official site here. Hope you speakeh francais.

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[MUSICK] (darwin) deez are the jamsss

So I've been into Darwin Deez since the summer, but I can't say that my love for his music has subsided even though a great deal of time has passed.

I like a lot of music, but for whatever reason, indie pop always strikes a chord with me. It might be because my body has a natural, involuntary reaction to dance to it or that it's the sort of music that 75 percent of the time is about good vibes, free love and the best in life.

Darwin Deez is one of the best indie pop-stars I've come across this year.

His bubblegum pop is contagious without being annoying, and plasters a smile across your face anytime you press play in your iPod.


And Darwin is a double-threat. He's so creative he even dabbles in production too. Check out this sweet movie he made for a friend's band.

cornelius - fly ( music video by darwin deez ) from darwin deez on Vimeo.

Here's another video him and a friend made, which apparently was rejected by Channel 101?:

boy-friends episode 1

darwin deez | MySpace Video

He'll be at the Black Cat, backstage, Nov. 16. I'll definitely be there. Get tickets here.
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[HUMOUR] When Too Much Should Be Enough

Exhibit A:

This man has definitely met his limit...and let's be honest, he's probably not just drunk. Most people who get that fucked up on alcohol usually pass out too. This dude is on some other shit.

Somebody in the world who knows this man, or anyone like him, please do them the favor of a smackface to their intellect.

Thank You.


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Rocky here. *Salute* I would like to personally thank those who have so far contributed. Paige Dearing, I love you more than Pizzas and Redbull. Not many things can fit that criteria. You are forever welcome at F.A.M.B. NATION. Foreverr!! Ajolique Jude, your words are honest and we like our honesty dosages HEAVY! Keep it coming!!! I know we all have busy schedules, so we appreciate your time and your thoughts. I-THANK-YOU!!!

To those who haven't: I have the UPMOST confidence in YOU; i know you'll soon bless us with your prespective on all things awesome. I hope to grow this site into more of a vehicle for your thoughts, rather than a one man show. I'm not that interesting! But I think that you are -YOU are F.A.M.B. NATION..so....LET'S GET IT CRACKIN!!!!

More of Ajolique Jude here.
More of Paige Dearing here.


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[TRUTH] Soaring

It was a perfect moment in time
You and I, the way we unite.
We took off on a journey,
We wanted to fly.
And we did, we soared up so high,
Out of the reach of destroyers
But your wings got tired
And you hit the ground,
Smack on your face,
You lifted yourself up
And she shook you out of your daze.
The distant between us, in all the haze
You forgot about me
Still flying high above you.
They convinced you down there
That you could equal the satisfaction
With your two feet planted on the ground
And you chose to settle
Leaving me no option but to soar without you
Hoping your wings would begin to miss
Cutting through cool air
And sun rays shining upon them.
But I won't fall from glory with you
Just pray we fly together again.

Ajolique Jude ©

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[RUMOUR] R.I.P. Mr. West?? Not quite....

So I was wasting my life on the internet yesterday when I should have been working on an essay and found all these tweets on Twitter about Yeezy dying in a car crash. My inquiring mind had to investigate because a few weeks ago Twitter tweeted that Maya Angelou died when she was actually just in the hospital.... Surprise! Turns out Kanye is NOT dead and the tweets sparred from a fake story...read more here....

While still bullshitting on the internet I stumbled upon this short film by Mr. West and found it quite disturbing and yet....poetic?? Must be my emo side, but moving on... its been suggested that the video symbolizes Kanye killing his ego after a wild night of drunken partying and sex. I won't say that's my opinion....you can be the judge...if that is the case, maybe there won't be anymore ignorant displays in the future---YES, I still feel bad for Taylor. I will post the video but WARNING it is kinda graphic at the end for those who are sensitive about shit like that...

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I told myself that I wouldn't post anything negative today, but this really broke my heart. Then it really angered me. Tragedy is tragedy, and i know this woman is not like this because she's black, but the fact that she is black hurt even more. It's easy for us to dissasociate ourselves from tragedies when it's happening abroad or simply outside of our own "community," but it hits home that much quicker when the parties involved reflect things considered as identifiers within our culture.

Just listen to what the aunt had to say when asked if she regrets leaving these two kids in the house by themselves. smh.

Marilyn Wilson, you are a SMACKFACE, and your actual face should be smacked.

P.S. Your teeth are superr GUAC.

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"People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish. But that's only if it's done right," boasts the most famous, or should i say most infamous, street artist of today: Bristol born (supposedly: no one really knows), Banksy. Though well known for his anti-capitlalist and anti-royalist street art, Banksy's canvas doesn't end with public spaces, trains, and steam rollers (you read right); He often, in disguise, walks into art exhibits and superglues his work onto the walls himself.

The Louvre, Tate Modem, New York's Museum of Modern Art, and the American Museum of Natural History are among of the places blessed by Banksy's voluntary additions. When asked what prompted him to do this he simply answered: "My sister inspired me to do it. She was throwing away loads of my pictures one day and I asked her why. She said 'It's not like they're going to be hanging in the Louvre. I thought why wait until I'm dead."

That's pretty damn gangster if you ask me.

[FACTOID] He once inscribed "I want out. This place is too cold. Keeper smells. Boring, boring, boring" on the wall of the elephant enclosure in a London zoo.

Christmas spirit...?

This provoked thoughts. Muslim women suffrage vs oversexualized..world?!! or just another play on irony?...both?

Nike! Walmart! Or just fat ass tourists?

There's a mortality message in this somewhere. This made me think of my own self being old..brrrrrrr..scary thought. I would be a sexy old man though. "How you doinnn???"

Hahah!! 'nuff said.

Enlightening with heavy doses of irony, Banksy will at least humour you if not provoke thoughts. Keep an eye out. He might hit your town next. Maybe.

For even more Banksy click here.
For other artist like him, click here (listed on the right hand side).

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[MUSICK] more from mgmt in 2010

By now, everyone knows MGMT.

The psychedelic-pop duo took less than a year to blow up in the indie scene, after key placement on Rolling Stone’s “Bands to Watch in 2008” list and a killer set at Bonnaroo that same year. Touring with big names like Beck and M.I.A. in 2008 and hitting the road with legendary Sir Paul McCartney this past summer hasn’t hurt MGMT’s rise to the top.

Their debut full-length Oracular Spectacular dropped in late 2007 giving indie pop fans and electronica lovers alike memorable beats and mystical vocals that never got old. “Electric Feel,” “Weekend Wars” and “Kids” have become smash hits both in the indie scene and mainstream, building a crucial fanbase for Ben Goldwasser and Andrew VanWyngarden.

And it's not all about album sales and radio play. Marketing plans have picked up on the universal appeal of MGMT's sound, using “Electric Feel” in the video game soundtrack for NBA 2k10 as well as having many artists cover certain singles, including Katy Perry and the Kaiser Chiefs.

See what old people think about MGMT’s “Kids”:

MGMT confirmed that their forthcoming album will be titled Congratulations. It is slated for release in 2010. The band has been playing the title track, as well as “Song for Dan Treacy" and “It’s Working”, of the new album at a few of their recent shows.

Take a listen:

Keep an ear out for more work by MGMT before Congratulations drops. The boys seem to be doing their fair share of collaborations (i.e. “Pursuit of Happiness” by Kid Cudi )

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Pretty soon, the swine flu vaccine will be administered at my place of work (For those who have health coverage). I did some digging and I came accross this, and now am afraid. Very sad clip. MUST do reseach...

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[KIXX] GRAMS By Alexis Holm & Anna Stenvi

GRAMs Baby!!!! Can you say detailed simplicity? cmon, say it!
Founded in Stockholm, each and every one of these shoes are named after how much they weigh (Metric system Fool!). That alone stroked my foot fetish when I first heard about these awesomely weird Swedish shoes.

Why you should care?: Supplying the feet of the "relaxed" shoe market, GRAM applies vintage shapes with contempotary rivets and patent touches. Gotta love it when the old meets the new. And not too expensive either (That's a big plus for Cheapasoids like me):

420g Black Leather

345g Blue Suede

383g Softshell


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Hopefully they answer..hahah.

Mr Cade: By ways of Uptown DC [DC] My healthcare expert..lol.

Aisha Lul Ahmed: By ways of MD [Somalia] No words can express what Lul is.

Nambi Estelle: By ways of Santa Monica, CA [Uganda] Spoken word lady.

Desirae Gutierrez: By ways of MD [Philippines] ...she's not as scary as she looks.

Zafar: By the way of Hashish(lol) [Afghanistan..?] Zafar is THE MAN, mann.



Ajolique Jude: By the way of UMCU [Liberia]..she blogs in her bikini. Don't ask.


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THINGS TO COME: You should be F#@$*NG EXCITED.

Waddup world! If you're reading this, you have flipped the blogrock and found yourself a digital gem. My people know me as Rocky and THIS is F.A.M.B. NATION!!! A friend of mine dared me, more or less, to start a blog, so here i go. I'm not the greateeeest writer, but I am told I have my momments. (Man if I could get a dollar for everytime I've done something out of dares...I'd have my damn parking and speeding tickets paid off by now). [FACTOID] Untill proven otherwise, ANY police officer -to me- is no more than a stanger with a gun; Arrogant and ill-mannered pompous bastards who walk about with a false sense of entitlement. F*#%@ MOCO POLICE!!!!

...Anywho. So here's the deal: This is not going to be one of those blogs filled with self-centered rants, telling you about every single little detail of my life. There is plenty to tell on that subject but this site is NOT about ME. I will not be telling you what i had for dinner. Unless it cures cancer. Just like you, i have an inner monologue, and it will stay there for the most part.


F.A.M.B. NATION will be random mentally delicious spurts of anything interesting in the world. Things fahion related, music related, art related, and world news related that's worthy of note will be SMACKFACED in random spurts throughout the site. Lester the magic skull, as well the banners located at the far bottom of this site will have fluctuating links throughout the year. [FACTOID] Lester, by the way, is rumored to soon have a gf..so stay tuned.

I have invited a few people i know to, from time to time, add their own flavor to this site. These people are all people of the socially expert; they know something you should. Except for maybe Mr Cade. That guys is just plain weiiird. Even Lester doesn't likes him. That's when you know you're wrong.


From Darfur to Calfornia, then back to Somalia. From Lupe to Psapp. From the ghetto to Alaska. From the O.Gs to the hippsters. From Obama to your local Soapboxer: The random have no spectrum, and that is why i LOVE-IT.


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