Leaving of Age

There you are, Blank,
‘till flood gates crack, and infancy dies
Then your elders infect you
Each leaving you the first letter of their signatures,
to make up the sentences you’ll serve while locked inside the body
life isn’t a jungle, it’s a game
You’re given the pieces to play with
Here the rules, though made for you, are made with your parents in mind,
Here, men are told to cry only when underwater,
And women, to seek men who don’t swim
Love happens here, lust happens near,
and regret happens closest
But we bear and grin it, even when there’s barely a grin,
Scared half to life for an idea’s survival, rather than a bond’s,
“Suck it up,” they say,
Then tell you to think of your future children
“After all, you are an adult....Aren’t you?”

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Sanyu Estelle Nagenda said...

Now that would be a nice entry for F4BM! Nicey Niceness with the underwater/swimmers reference buddy. You got yourself some skills...

Rocky said...

*grin to bear
