Rocky: Ladies and gents. I love street art. A LOT. Brings me pleasure to give you guys another round of illegal manifestation of some of the most creative imaginations from around the globe: FEAST!

As always, click to enlarge.

JORGE RODRIGUEZ GERADA(Slovenia): The girl is a coffee shop employee of an establishment Gerada frequents. Don't you love the random?

LAURA KEEBLE: 'Without Consent' (I thought this was pretty clever).
Date: 28th October 2009 6.30am.
Place: Versace, Sloane Street, London.

"The installation of Medusa outside the Versace store was to discuss the ownership of Medusa by the fashion house. A relationship between the single Versace mannequin within the store shopfront and Medusa also reflected the acceptance of what is beautiful and the outcasting of what is deemed ugly, by those that consider themselves an authority.

Medusa with her shopping bags turned to stone by the very horror that is herself reflected in the use and ownership of an ancient icon to sell goods."

**LAST BUT NOT LEAST (and not so illegal, but we love her anyways):

CHLOE EARLY: These are part of her solo show 'Clouded Apollo'. If you happen to be in London before the end of nextweek (I wish), stop by the "Stolenspace Gallery". Cheers.

I can do this ALL DAY. But won't, because then I won't have much of a life -or money! Peacers. Will post more when I get all insomniac-like.


Ok, Ok! ONE MORE for the road:

RENE GAGNON: "...it's all about altering the outside world no matter how subtle"

Peace & Love.

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